Traditional Market Differences And Modern Market

Traditional Market Differences And Modern Market 

The market is the area where the sale and purchase with the number of sellers of more than one well known as shopping malls, traditional markets, shopping, mall, plaza, center of trade and other names.
Traditional Market is a market that is built and managed by Government, Local Government, Private, State-Owned Enterprises and Regional-Owned Enterprises, including cooperation with the private places of business as shops, kiosks, and tents owned / managed by a small or medium traders, self-help communities or cooperatives with small business, small capital, and with the process of buying and selling merchandise through bargaining. Shopping Centre is an area tertantu consisting of one or several buildings built in a vertical or horizontal, which sold or leased to or managed their own businesses to conduct trade in goods.
Modern Market is a market with self-service system, selling various kinds of goods at retail in the form Minimarket, Supermarket, Department Store, Hypermarket in the form of wholesale or wholesale. Much of the research and studies conducted practitioners, and academics. The Government also continues to deepen the trading system to market governance, especially traditional and modern markets. Consumers also can choose and compare between a traditional market and modern market. That where the traditional 'market that has the layout tends to rundown, dirty, parking lots that are not ordered, and market security is not guaranteed. Although the condition of traditional markets that are not nice and not too comfortable, but the offering price and the demand can be resolved easily and quickly. This condition was reversed by the modern market, where the modern market place clean layout, maintained adequate security, good product / commodity classified, structured management professionals in the treatment pattern and parking layout was arranged. And the principal of the matter that was first, how to make traditional markets whose health was adequate (a hygienic, clean and tidy), the level of safety must be guaranteed, the level of trade during the layout process neatly arranged, the level of cleanliness is guaranteed. Retail competition that play that sells merchandise from the same eye, which is like daily necessities which the commodity is actually a part of the traditional market difficulties to reach the market.Although with a fairly minimal way, the distributorpun must consider also the convenience of consumers. Looks like consumers are also eager to market manata governments into what we have mentioned above earlier. Even now, consumers are not worried anymore,

Perbedaan Worker dan Staff

Perbedaan Worker dan Staff

Worker adalah sebuah pekerjaan yang dimiliki seseorang sebagai tenaga kerja langsung. Yang berhubungan langsung dalam kegiatan seperti produksi. Seperti buruh atau pekerja pabrik. Sedangkan staff merupakan pekerjaan yang dimiliki seseorang dalam suatu organisasi dimana seseorang tersebut bertanggung jawab dan mempunyai wewenang atas pemikiran suatu rencana organisasi agar organisasi tersebut dapat mengalami kemajuan. Peran staf bukan sekedar pelaksana perintah pimpinan namun staf berperan sebagai pembantu pimpinan. Oleh karenanya dapat dikatakan bahwa staff memiliki pangkat lebih atas dibandingkan dengan worker.
Berdasarkan segi tujuan dari keduanya tidak ada yang membedakan. Baik worker maupun staff bekerja untuk mendapatkan upah / gaji dari hasil kerjanya. Keduanya sama-sama bekerja berdasarkan tugasnya. Namun dilihat dari segi pembayarannya, worker menerima gaji saat selesai ia bekerja sedangkan staff menerima gaji tetap perbulannya. Dengan kata lain dapat dikatakan bahwa worker menerima gaji perhari.
Biasanya, untuk penerimaan worker tidak mewajibkan melampirkan surat-surat seperti dalam penerimaan staff. Orang-orang yang bekerja sebagai worker biasanya yang bukan melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang yang lebih tinggi seperti Sarjana atau sebagainya, namun cukup memiliki ketrampilan dan keahlian di bidangnya. Sedangan staff adalah orang-orang yang memiliki atau menjadi seorang sarjana. Yang dimana memiliki kemampuan, keahlian, dan ketrampilan tidak hanya praktik namun juga teori. Sehingga staff biasanya yang lebih memiliki peran untuk memimpin dan meberi perintah.